Monday, November 3, 2008

Zack and Miri Make a Porno

I'm not a Kevin Smith fan, but I have met him. He treks around in his Silent Bob coat all day in southern California weather of all places. It must be to keep up his persona, but only he can answer that. I can say this about him. He certainly loves stories. At the production company I worked at, our interns have a variety of duties. The easiest is receptionist, where they answer phones, greet guests and cover scripts. Kevin Smith pointed out to one of our interns what a terrific job it would be to just read all day. I pointed out that unfortunately he doesn't get paid for it. When he said that I became a fan of Kevin Smith, but not his movies.
I can't claim to be a fan because I have yet to watch Clerks or its sequel. I didn't watch Jersey Girl, which only a true fan would watch. But I do like his humor for the most part. Chasing Amy is one of my favorite movies and what it does so well is what most romantic comedies fail miserably at, sprinkling in the romance without taking away from the comedy. Most movies of this genre tend to be all laughs until the very last scene where it decides to have a huge monologue about love. Not Chasing Amy.
2nd Kevin Smith movie I love is Dogma, then Mallrats. That's the extent of my Kevin Smith experience, until last Friday when I went to watch Zack and Miri.
It was a comedic treat. Everything I've come to expect from Mr. Smith. He sets up the unique relationship of Zack, played by Seth Rogen and Miri, played by Elizabeth Banks. Its that odd dichotomy when those of the opposite sex try to live together. These two seem to accomplish the task successfully because they can't seem to stand anyone except each other. Ultimately, that exception is really love and when the two decide to make a porno to get out from under their mounds of bills, they must face their emotional reality. Seth and Elizabeth are terrific actors and play their parts to the fullest.
Jason Mewes makes an appearance as Lester, who has the special talent of getting an erection faster than you can say porno. It's a change from his usual Jay character, but just as foul.
Justin Long, Drew Berrymore's new boy toy and Brandon Routh, aka Superman star in the funniest scene of the film. It is an unforgettable moment when Zack realizes he's speaking to a gay porn star in Brandon, played by Justin Long. It is only a matter of moments when Brandon must point out his boyfriend Bobby Long (Brandon Routh), who Miri happens to be trying to flirt with.
The star of the movie is Craig Robinson, better known as Darryl from The Office. He plays Zack's coworker at the local coffee shop and helps bank roll this auspicious porno endeavor just, "so I can see some titties." His character seems to be a man in a loveless marriage looking for any glimer of hope or fun in his life and that is what Zack brings.
I do need to mention Tyler Labine. He plays Sock on the Television show I work on called Reaper. Kevin Smith directed the pilot for the series and clearly brought him in for a small part on this film. Director Kevin Smith is loyal to his friends, as not only do Jason Mewes and Tyler Labine appear in this film, but also Jeff Anderson.
All in all rotten tomatoes 65% fresh is about accurate. Its abrupt ending takes away from an overall terrific moviegoing experience. Although, it doesn't ruin the movie, it does leave a lot left to be desired. Mr. Smith attempts to resolve this disappointed feeling with a commericial for Zack and Miri's porno business that can be seen a few minutes into the credits.

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