Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Its time for a new look and a new purpose. Ten years in the Making is the culmination of all the planning, talking and germinating done to create my personalized cross country road trip. It's a different take on the traditional college graduation trip of Europe, passing borders by train and implementing it here in America.
I will spend 20 days of my life in trains and cars, checking out monuments and memorials, eateries and watering holes, and tradition and culture of America.
I can hardly wait, as I finalize my trip over the next month, searching out the unique gems of America that make it what it is. It all begins May 13th, 2010.

Friday, December 5, 2008


Just some thoughts as the award season gets underway. No matter how many award winning movies will be released this month, it appears The Day the Earth Stood Still will win the months box office.
The National Board of Review has already come out with their movie awards for the year and the top prize for best movie of the year went to Slumdog Millionaire. I plan to watch it tonight, so I will give a full report on the movie tomorrow. As for their top 10 list, here it is:


I have only seen two of these ten movies and of course this list is the top ten films of 2008 after Slumdog Millionaire. The Dark Knight and Wall-E are definitely top 10 movies, although The Dark Knight has a chance to drop out of my top 10 after watching the above. Here are my top 10 movies of the year thus far.

Forgetting Sarah Marshall
The Bank Job
The Dark Knight
The Other Boleyn Girl
Be Kind Rewind
Miracle at St Anna's
Quantum of Solace
Iron Man

I don't get to travel the film festival circuit so I don't have any early reviews of this coming award season's films. Yes, that is an animated film on the top of my list. It is absolutely worth the hype. Besides Slumdog Millionaire, I am very excited to watch The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. I have a coworker has just saw it last night and her one line review is "I cried for two hours of the two hour forty-five minute movie." It certainly looks like a tear jerker from the trailers. Having originated from an F Scott Fitzgerald short story, I'm sure this is an amazing creation and with David Fincher behind the camera, I can't wait to see what he's done with the fascinating character. Next on my list to watch is Gran Torino. I have no real desire to watch Changeling. I'm not sure why. So far, I've yet to be disappointed by an Eastwood film, so maybe its something about Jolie, but I can't quite put my finger on it. Gran Torino looks phenomenal and sounds like its right up my ally, since I am Asian American after all. The last film is Frost/Nixon. I am a fan of Peter Morgan and love The Queen as well as The Deal, and obviously with The Other Boleyn Girl on my top ten right now, he's yet to write a film I don't like. With Ron Howard helming, I'm excited for the finished product.
I'll probably skip Milk, or at least wait for the DVD. It looks terrific, but not really a theater film. I also can't wait for the Wrestler, but also seems like a smaller film, and like many of Arnofsky's past films, seems best to watch in the comforts of my own home.

As for this weekend, there are three films being released wide:

Punisher: War Zone
Cadillac Records
Nobel Son

I won't watch any of these even though Nobel Son is very intriguing. Cadillac Records also has an outside chance of getting my attention. Unforutately for the Box Office, it is praying that Cadillac Records can really pull some good numbers. The numbers will likely come in like this:

1. Punisher - $35mil
2. Bolt - $20mil
3. Cadillac Records - $18mil
4. Four Christmases - $15mil
5. Twilight - $13mil

Monday, November 17, 2008


I didn't blog last week, so I will make it up now. If everyone forgot and there were a few here in my office who did, the latest installment of James Bond was released on Friday along with nothing else. That isn't entirely true as Danny Boyle's Slumdog Millionaire had a limited release. With no surprise Bond broke the previous record for a Bond opening weekend. With tickets at $11 in the suburbs nearest Hollywood, its no surprise. I'd like to look at the ticket sales for old Bond films to see which one was truly the most successful.
As for Millionaire, it brought in very good numbers with the highest attendance per showing for the weekend, creating what will hopefully be another successful indie film release to spend more on creating award buzz than its box office receipts. The independent film business just isn't what it used to be.
As for Bond, I did get to partake in the two hour tour de action force. Leaving the theater, I overheard an astute girlfriend tell her date, "There was maybe five minutes worth of dialogue." Not really an exaggeration. Maybe the girl thought he'd take her to Zack and Miri. For that matter, maybe ever critic out there thought they were going to watch a high brow spy thriller. He may not say it in the film, but his name is Bond, James Bond. This movie is two hours of stunts in cars, boats, planes and the occasional hand to hand combat. Its story may be straight forward, but at least this time around, I didn't have to sit through the cheesy love lines that Bond uses to woo Vespa. Thank goodness Bond learned his lessen to never fall in love, this Bond seems to get girls to sleep with him without a single word. As for his skills as a spy, well he needs to sharpen those up. At this point he's more of a blunt weapon, assassin than intelligence gatherer.
The critics are right about the lack of story. It seems the writers forgot what story they wanted to tell. They constantly talk about Bond wanting revenge, but he spends two hours flying across the country doing everything to bring down the Quantum players, but he completely neglects Vespa's boyfriend, who faked his death. Then he conveniently shows up at the end of the film to bring closure, but I'd rather have seen Bond figure out where the boyfriend was rather than having them skip it. That's the movie I thought I was watching to begin with. Instead, he goes after a multibillionaire that wants to take over the world who uses his environmental awareness company as a front for his terrorist transactions.
Ultimately this movie is about the stunts, but that even misses the spot at times, as Bond seems to be a one trick pony. In all three vehical chases, the car, boat and plane, he uses the same trick to escape, or as Maverick would say, "I'm gonna hit the brakes and he'll fly right by." In Bonds case, he hits the brake and the chaser runs right into his vehicle, ultimately killing them.
There are a few more action sequences than the three chases, yes there really is that much action, but overall this is a typical middle film of a trilogy. I imagine in the third film, Bond will finally capture the head of Quantum, who is probably Mr. White.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Opening Friday

Here's a look at this weekends movies:

Soul Men
Madagascar 2
Role Models

I doubt I'll watch any of these except on DVD. Soul Men looks promising and if in a comedic mood, I'd prefer that over Role Models. Even though it features McLovin not as McLovin, the duo of Bernie Mac and Samuel Jackson is too compelling. I can see the back and forth between these two already. Role Models actually stars Paul Rudd and Stiffler, so there is no real comparison. Although the trailer for Role Models looks funny enough, I'm afraid it is one of those situations where I've seen all the funny moments already.
Unfortunately, the Box Office winner will be Madagascar, proving again that kids rule in Hollywood. If you're trying to make bank in Hollywood, write a kids movie. That's what Pixar did. It's a good formula.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day

Election day in Hollywood is a unique place to be to say the least. The entire town has been buzzing about this day for the past two years. The activist actors have done their part to get out the vote and it seems to have worked. At least for Hollywood residents. More than a few times today, did I hear someone say that they voted for the first time ever. I'm proud of them, but most are older than I am and I can't help but wonder, will they vote next time.
There were three elections this year alone, and there will be one again in March and I hope people continue their civic duty and let their voice be heard.
I was in DC in March right after the California primary and I found myself in the center of the political world. There are bars where the TV sets are tuned to CNN 24/7. Political bars rather than sports bars and I couldn't help get caught up in the Obama/Clinton campaigning while there even though I'd already cast my ballot for the primary. Today, even Barney's Beanery will have their big screen tuned into election coverage rather than the Rockets vs Celtics. To be honest, I'd prefer to watch a little basketball after years of campaigning. I'm sure someone will text me the results of the election. Don't get me wrong, I am very excited for tonight. After two disappointing Presidential Elections, I can't wait for Obama to give his acceptance speech and I guarantee it will be a doozy. Eight years ago, I stayed up all night watching coverage as the world found out Gore maybe lost? It turns out he did. Not the popular vote though, but I'm one of those who feels rules are there for a reason. We have an electoral college so that California, Texas and NY can't elect the next President of the US, but rather every state has a voice. The Gore campaign had a poor strategy in the end and it just shows his team might not be able to navigate the strategical voting waters of congress.
Unfortunately, four years ago the democratic party ran a candidate that was neither a leader nor a radical. He did little to energize the party and I was ready to vote for another candidate until he selected John Edwards as his running mate.
But back to Hollywood. It is hard to find an executives office without a TV and today they will all be tuned in to see who wins. That's the case here in the office next to my cubicle. I'm all set with my free Starbucks, Krispy Kreme and Coldstone ice cream to watch hours of news coverage about long lines and voting machine malfunctions. I can't wait.
As for me, I voted this morning. Living in the suburbs, there are no lines. There are no lines in the Suburbs. Not for voting, or for clubs, but there's not much else good out there.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Zack and Miri Make a Porno

I'm not a Kevin Smith fan, but I have met him. He treks around in his Silent Bob coat all day in southern California weather of all places. It must be to keep up his persona, but only he can answer that. I can say this about him. He certainly loves stories. At the production company I worked at, our interns have a variety of duties. The easiest is receptionist, where they answer phones, greet guests and cover scripts. Kevin Smith pointed out to one of our interns what a terrific job it would be to just read all day. I pointed out that unfortunately he doesn't get paid for it. When he said that I became a fan of Kevin Smith, but not his movies.
I can't claim to be a fan because I have yet to watch Clerks or its sequel. I didn't watch Jersey Girl, which only a true fan would watch. But I do like his humor for the most part. Chasing Amy is one of my favorite movies and what it does so well is what most romantic comedies fail miserably at, sprinkling in the romance without taking away from the comedy. Most movies of this genre tend to be all laughs until the very last scene where it decides to have a huge monologue about love. Not Chasing Amy.
2nd Kevin Smith movie I love is Dogma, then Mallrats. That's the extent of my Kevin Smith experience, until last Friday when I went to watch Zack and Miri.
It was a comedic treat. Everything I've come to expect from Mr. Smith. He sets up the unique relationship of Zack, played by Seth Rogen and Miri, played by Elizabeth Banks. Its that odd dichotomy when those of the opposite sex try to live together. These two seem to accomplish the task successfully because they can't seem to stand anyone except each other. Ultimately, that exception is really love and when the two decide to make a porno to get out from under their mounds of bills, they must face their emotional reality. Seth and Elizabeth are terrific actors and play their parts to the fullest.
Jason Mewes makes an appearance as Lester, who has the special talent of getting an erection faster than you can say porno. It's a change from his usual Jay character, but just as foul.
Justin Long, Drew Berrymore's new boy toy and Brandon Routh, aka Superman star in the funniest scene of the film. It is an unforgettable moment when Zack realizes he's speaking to a gay porn star in Brandon, played by Justin Long. It is only a matter of moments when Brandon must point out his boyfriend Bobby Long (Brandon Routh), who Miri happens to be trying to flirt with.
The star of the movie is Craig Robinson, better known as Darryl from The Office. He plays Zack's coworker at the local coffee shop and helps bank roll this auspicious porno endeavor just, "so I can see some titties." His character seems to be a man in a loveless marriage looking for any glimer of hope or fun in his life and that is what Zack brings.
I do need to mention Tyler Labine. He plays Sock on the Television show I work on called Reaper. Kevin Smith directed the pilot for the series and clearly brought him in for a small part on this film. Director Kevin Smith is loyal to his friends, as not only do Jason Mewes and Tyler Labine appear in this film, but also Jeff Anderson.
All in all rotten tomatoes 65% fresh is about accurate. Its abrupt ending takes away from an overall terrific moviegoing experience. Although, it doesn't ruin the movie, it does leave a lot left to be desired. Mr. Smith attempts to resolve this disappointed feeling with a commericial for Zack and Miri's porno business that can be seen a few minutes into the credits.